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MegaVideo BBcode - that use this id?
MegaVideo BBcode - that use this id?
i need MegaVideo bbcode that use this id
Re: MegaVideo BBcode
the only way i can get that to work is to use the same html replacement code, but use the long video ID found in the embed code, not in the URL!
which for that video you linked to would be this ID
which for that video you linked to would be this ID
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Re: MegaVideo BBcode
i think we are lose something this megavideo code it is diferent then others
this one have this id
other one working one have this for example
so how to resolve this..problem its on the d= and v=
this one have this id
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Re: MegaVideo BBcode
did you read my previous post, i have already tested what i told you to do, it works the way i told you to do here!
I tried changing it to what you are posting but it doesn't work that way!
just do what i told you!
I tried changing it to what you are posting but it doesn't work that way!
just do what i told you!
Re: MegaVideo BBcode
i realy miss that man sorry

-- Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:04 am --
i try what you suggest but this not working for me or i have wrong megavideo bbcode

-- Thu Nov 25, 2010 11:04 am --
i try what you suggest but this not working for me or i have wrong megavideo bbcode
Re: MegaVideo BBcode
I am not going to repeat what i said in previous posts, but if you do like i stated in them it works fine!
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