This site seems very slow on user's posting ,sorry i'm not around much now a day's ,whats the reason for no posting for support etc? What do we need todo? whats missing from the site ??
If you feel you could answer this but would rather do it in a more private manner im open for pm's on this matter.
Regards Steve.
Hello! andDo NOT contact me via private message for support!!
I don't know. I think it gets slow at all sites at times. With the exception of .com maybe...
Maybe we could get Terr0r to install all of your snippets and bbcodes you guys have here.
That should get some post action going...
I'll look around and post somewhere.
No is NEVER an Option and NEVER is the only Option when it comes to Giving Up!™
Mmh... think most of the user's have their own board? So it could be they haven't only time for this board In most boards, there's the typical sommer hole. I'm busy with running my own.
Place is just forum is too......all the great help & support found here is always appreciated. All new people to phpbb come here to look & learn.